Casual Rape

Wherein I discuss casual rape and disrespect in the wake of the Delhi Gang Rape Victim’s death.
Wherein I discuss casual rape and disrespect in the wake of the Delhi Gang Rape Victim’s death.
Check out my new store for prints, comics, and buttons!
I’m headed to Portland, OR for July to beat the summer heat in the south. Do you live in or near Portland? Anything I should definitely do or see while I’m there? Want to hang out? I hope I packed enough hoodies and boots.
Crazy... or brilliant?
Through my early twenties I used to make comics for for a living. Then reality (and self-employment taxes) hit, and I had to get a real job so I could get jaw surgery. I went on hiatus and became a web designer, got married, and got my surgery (with no small amount of help from my fans and friends--financially and emotionally). Now I'm making comics again, but this time it's on my own terms.
During the day, I work as a front-end developer (a niche kind of web designer). I enjoy reading Bleach with a strong cup of tea while listening to Japanese synth and French New Wave. My workroom is filled to the brim with orchids and my bettas, Sir Bubblesworth and Rumblefish.
Fun fact: I won the 2007 Friend of Lulu Kim Yale Award for Best New Female Talent in the comics industry.