15 Revolutions, Page 2

I wrote the poem behind this comic when I was 15. I wrote a lot of bad poetry when I was fifteen. But two years later, I went through the collection and this one stuck out. So I made a comic with it using mixed media. There are lots of Prismacolor pencils, liquid acrylics, and watercolors in here. I still think this is pretty good for a seventeen-year-old.

  • ElectricHarpsichord

    If you ever want to make your 17-year-old artwork feel REALLY bad, check out http://x-arielle.deviantart.com/ . She just turned 18, and I am incredibly jealous of her skill.

    • http://rachelnabors.com Rachel the Great

      Or this lady who says she is 17: http://pocket-picasso.deviantart.com/

      But then again, whenever I feel bad about me less than stellar artistic skills, I just take out all my awards from the trophy cabinet and curl up with them in a pile. All two of them ;P