Blog Posts from Mar, 2011


My face after surgery.

My new hair cut

I had surgery to correct my crossbite last summer. It was no minor surgery. In fact, it was the worst time of my life, and I never want to go through it again. I’ve only just started to recognize my face again. Here are some before and after pictures.

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Spring fashion and new job

Macchiato Fluevog shoes, pretty blue shoes with heels and many straps

Spring means a new job–and new clothes! Updating wardrobes is a delicate process for the thrifty and fashion-conscious. Here’re photos of some of my favorite looks this spring!

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Never before seen comics posted!

Last week I asked you if you wanted to see all of my earliest comics, formerly only available in my now out-of-print graphic novel, 18 Revolutions. You answered with a resounding “yes!” and I have been hard at work uploading all the comics ever since. They haven’t been showing on the front page because they

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Never before seen (online) comics–Should I post them?

The cover to the graphic novel, 18 Revolutions

So back when I was 19 I self-published a graphic novel, 18 Revolutions. It collected every single comic I’d made before turning 19. Many of them were either never put online, or have been taken down and washed away by the waves of Internet time (or something). I have no plans to reprint the graphic

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