Pokemon Mistress, Page 1

I still have this GameBoy, but I don’t use it anymore. I <3 my DSi XL!

My first Pokémon game was Pokemon Yellow. I loved that Pikachu, the way he followed my sprite around and squeaked at me when I talked to him. I showered him with potions and good things and never let him faint in battles. But did he love me back by evolving into a Raichu before we faced off against the Elite Four? No, the little jerk kept rejecting my thunder stone! Funny thing abou the special Yellow edition of Pokemon: you can’t catch wild pikachu, and the one you’re given in the beginning with never evolve. Ever. I was so confused and frustrated!

Also, what is up with Bob’s man boobs and exceptionally long upper arms in that last panel? This, this is why you need life drawing classes, kids!

And haven’t we seen that Pikachu shirt before?

This comic was printed in the Friends of Lulu anthology, The Girls’ Guide to Guy Stuff.

  • http://www.tnemrot.com David

    I was probably the only kid in my high school to admit to still playing the games. I stopped watching the show around season six though (Ash still a rookie after five years? I want some God damn character development!).

  • http://williamsbloodyhell.com williamthebloody

    I STILL HAVE AN ORIGINAL GAMEBOY AS WELL! and it works. and i still play it. it’s been glitchy lately and i’m afraid it will die soon, but for now it still works and it makes me happy.
    yanno, i never got into the Pokemans. i know about and the basic concept, but never tried it for myself.

  • Alison

    I’m 21 and I bring pokemon yellow with me everywhere I go lately. I have had a lot of curious glances at the tall girl with the large gaming device and one case where I was followed by a guy who looked like the usual pokemon nerd ^-^